ACWA & Youth Scholarship

About the ACWA Scholarship

It is the mission of the American Chuck Wagon Association Scholarship Fund to provide financial assistance to those showing interest and promise in continuing their education in a collegiate or trade program. ACWA scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. Half the awarded amount will be applied the first semester and the other half the second contingent upon satisfactory progress. Funds are sent directly to the educational institution for each semester or quarter. The ACWA is proud to be able to offer assistance to deserving young people dedicated to furthering their education. The first college scholarship was awarded for the 2008/2009 school year. Interested applicants should download the application for more information.

Scholarships are funded by donations to the youth auction at the ACWA annual meeting, honorariums, memorials and other donations. If you are interested in helping with this effort, donations can be sent to:

ACWA Scholarships
P.O. Box 626
Belton, TX 76513.

2023-2024 ACWA Scholarship Recipients

The 2023 Scholarship, Education and Youth Cook Off Committee is proud to announce the winners of the two $1000/scholarships for the Fall of 2023 and Spring of 2024.

Levi Reinhardt-ACWA Scholarship Recipient

Levi Reinhardt
Eaton, Colorado

Levi is the grandson of ACWA members, Leroy and Janice Leavitt of Windsor, Colorado.
Levi will be attending Grand Canyon University in the Fall 2023 majoring in Finance.
In Levi's essay, he spoke of his grandfather teaching him the history of the chuck wagon. He added he has had the opportunity to assist in driving a team pulling his grandfather's Birdsell chuck wagon presenting the American flag for the National Anthem at various horse shows, parades, and events over the past 10 years. His next project is working this summer with his grandfather to build a chuck wagon out of a 100-year-old John Deere freight wagon.

Trista Bowen-ACWA Scholarship Recipient

Trista Bowen
Amarillo, Texas

Trista is the granddaughter of past ACWA members, Johnny and Kathy Bowen.
She is currently enrolled at Amarillo College in Amarillo, Texas majoring in Nursing. Trista stated, "Some of my best memories as a kid were made at Chuck Wagon cookoffs, and I am honored to be receiving this scholarship award. I have an amazing family who has supported me and will continue to be by my side. I thank God for the opportunities to be in school and to continue my education through scholarship awards."