Sarah Stallard is an eighteen year old New Mexico resident who has been living in her hometown of Corrales for 13 years. Sarah started participating in chuck wagon events with her parents, Mike and Tina Stallard, Uncle Clint Combs, and older brother, Matthew Stallard in early 2002, when she was 11. She is now a very active member of the Curly Que Camp, and has recently joined the cook team with her mother and father. Sarah is a recent high school graduate from Cibola High School, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She graduated in May 2009 with honors and was placed eleventh in her class of 650. She received the American Chuck Wagon Association Scholarship as well as the Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship. She plans to attend Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado in the spring with a major in animal science. Her hobbies include riding horses, cooking, writing, trap shooting, playing volleyball, and camping. Sarah's plans for the future include going to veterinary school, owning her own large animal veterinary practice, continuing to ride and raise horses, and, of course, continuing to be active in the chuck wagon community.
If you or someone you know is interested in the American Chuck Wagon Scholarship for Youth, please visit the scholarship page for more information.