Most people know that the bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas, but how many know that the official vehicle is the chuck wagon! The Texas members of the American Chuck Wagon Association decided to work to get the chuck wagon designated the official vehicle of Texas. This seemed appropriate since it was definitely one of the first wheeled modes of transportation. Many hours over a two year period were spent talking to Legislators, especially David Holt, in an effort to convince them. Car manufacturers even got in the act wanting their brand, Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet, to be the official vehicle.
The effort to get the chuck wagon designated the official vehicle was spearheaded by Jerry Baird. Finally in an effort to sway the Texas Senators several members of the ACWA descended on the capitol of Texas in the waning days of the session. A meal of rib-eye steaks, pinto beans, sourdough biscuits, potatoes and dessert was prepared by members including Jerry and Mickey Baird, Eddie Sandoval, Don and Shirley Creacy, Wayne Calk, Bob and Nancy Sparks, Gerry Self, Wilbur and Annette Wilson and Steve Wood. That day, May 26, 2005, at the 79th State Legislature, the proclamation was signed by Governor Rick Perry officially making the chuck wagon the official vehicle of Texas.
» Download the Official Senate Resolution (PDF)